Sunday, July 5, 2015

Killer seagull is eating pigeons in London

A killer seagull has been butchering pigeons in Plumstead, south east London, before feasting on their dead bodies. Residents near Plumstead Common claim the violent bird has been picking off an average of four unfortunate pigeons per day.
Aine McGrillen said: "We are trying to figure out if it is just one feral seagull or if this is a group of them. Is this usual seagull behaviour?" She added: "It killed one in Barnfield Gardens car park this morning, then flew off with it in its beak. Imagine if that dropped on your head!
It actually looks like this. (Image contains dead pigeon being eaten by killer seagull.)
"I guess it is just nature doing its survival thing. It is quite tense when you watch it just hanging out with the pigeons, casual as anything and then he picks his mark and swoops in." Other neighbors claimed the bloodthirsty bird has a voracious appetite and has been menacing the bird population for several years, once "munching" through 10 in one night.
Kirsty Wilson said: "It was doing it a couple weeks back and killed about 10 in one night. For 3-5 days every morning when I'd leave for work at 5 I'd see him there, then when I returned still be there, just munching away at the pigeons! Never seen such a sight before." And Emma Ledgerwood added: "It's been doing it for over two years and kills at least four pigeons a day. It's awful to watch for the pigeons' sake but I suppose it's all nature's ways of keeping the population down."

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