Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Motorist appeals for help after mystery horse kicked his car to bits

A young driver is appealing for help after returning to his car to find it badly damaged, with a witness saying it had been smashed by a frightened horse. Ashley Rodd from Plymouth, Devon, left his car parked among others at Burrator on Sunday and came back at 3.40pm to find it badly damaged.
The windscreen has been smashed, there are dents all over the front passenger side, paintwork was scratched away and the wing mirror has been kicked off. The damage is so bad and so extensive the car could be written off if Ashley wanted to return it to its former glory, with no insurance details on the person responsible for the damage. Ashley said: "After a lovely walk around Burrator I came back to my car to find it like this.
"My car was parked up like all the rest. A note was left by a helpful witness and it read that a lady with blonde hair had a horse that got startled so reacted and smashed into my car at 2.50pm. The lady did nothing whatsoever and just walked off with her horse. I am only a learner and the lady could clearly see that, and this is my first car so this was a nightmare for me to drive home." The horse is described as brown with red shin pads.
Ashley added: "I want her to read this and come forward once she has released the damage and hassle this has caused. The damage to my car has been quite severe. She should have taken responsibility and not just fled without leaving a note. I have been learning for ages and am close to taking my test. But the car looks to be a write off. What angers me the most is that I will have to pay for it all myself. It doesn't seem fair."

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