Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Police officer rescued meowing kitten from overpass

An officer from Pasadena Police Department in Texas rescued a meowing kitten early on Wednesday morning. According to PPD, Officer Galvan was at the overpass when he heard the kitten crying.
The department said on its Facebook page: "The crying sounded like it was coming from the Beltway. After shining his light up on the overpass, he could see the kitten's eyes reflecting back. The kitten was stuck on the Beltway 8 overpass over Red Bluff and could not get down. The angle was too steep for Officer Galvan to walk up to the kitten, so he had to make a U-turn back to the overpass.
"After searching for a bit, he located the kitten wedged in between the drain openings at the bottom of the barriers. He could see the back of the kitten sticking out on the other side of the barrier and reached over in attempts to grab it. Apparently this kitten was NOT in the mood to be rescued and began scratching and biting Officer Galvan.

"As a result, Officer Galvan lost his grip and the kitten fell back onto the Beltway and ran back under the barrier. Determined to rescue the kitten, Officer Galvan regrouped, licked his wounds, grabbed his gloves and lock out device and made a second successful attempt. After calming the kitten down, and making sure it received plenty of water, Officer Galvan took the kitten to the caring arms of the Pasadena Animal Shelter. All in a day's work for our night shift officers."
You can see the original video here and a follow-up video of the kitten here.
With all the bad cops getting the headlines, good cops get let out in the cold.
This is a feel good story nothing more, nothing less.
We don't know what motivated the officer to do as he did, we don't need to know.
His humane actions were simply because it was the right thing to do.
The overwhelming majority of our police officers are good people and we'd be willing to bet that most would have done exactly as this officer did.
We will continue to expose the bad cops here until they are rooted out completely from the ranks of our police.
We will also highlight the good cops whenever they unheralded things they do are held under the spotlight or we will hold a spotlight on them whenever necessary.

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