Thursday, July 16, 2015

Radio station broadcast underwater concert

Hundreds of music-loving snorkelers and divers ducked beneath the waves as an underwater concert was broadcast at the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary last week.
Such songs as the theme from The Little Mermaid, the Beatles' Yellow Submarine and Jimmy Buffett's Fins entertained listeners during the four-hour music session. Some snorkelers pretended to jam underwater on mock guitars or play other fake instruments such as a whimsical fish flute.
Others wore costumes depicting mermaids and seahorses as music sounded from waterproof speakers suspended beneath boats. The so-called Lower Keys Underwater Music Festival took place at Looe Key Reef, part of the continental United States' only living coral barrier reef, located about six miles south of Big Pine Key.

"This is a way for people to really appreciate the coral reef while at the same time listening to an environmental message about coral protection," explained WWUS radio station news director and festival founder Bill Becker. Staged by WWUS in partnership with a local chamber of commerce, the festival featured music specially programmed for the aquatic listening experience. Accompanying the tunes were coral reef conservation messages and tips on environmentally friendly diving practices.

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