Monday, August 3, 2015

Animal News

The first ever man-made edible vaccines for beneficial insects are in the works, thanks to new findings about how queen bees vaccinate their progeny.
A ban on salamander imports is crucial to stopping the spread of a deadly fungus that kills almost every salamander it infects.
Florida plant detectives are on the trail of a slippery foe, an invasive African land snail that is wily and potentially infectious.
A pregnant bat in mid flight, starving storks at a garbage dump, and a beetle are among the subjects of newly announced award-winning photos.
Some fruit flies, when put in front of a video game, controlled the game, meaning that they had awareness of their surroundings and where they stood in them. 
The smooth predator might just have an easier time finding one of its favorite meals.
The snake was caught in the Shark Valley section of Everglades National Park.
Scientists recently observed a polar bear dive that lasted 3 minutes, 10 seconds, shattering the previous known record by about 2 minutes.

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