Saturday, August 15, 2015

Baby and Bulldog Born on Same Day are Inseparable

Ivette Ivens of Chicago adopted a French bulldog pup when she realized that he was born on the same day as her infant son Dilan, thinking it was a sign that the pup should be in her family. Ever since, the bulldog, which the family named Farley, has been like a brother to little Dilan. Ivans said,
 “I’m pretty sure Dilan thinks they’re both the same species, as they walk at the same level and are both going through the stage of chewing on everything.” Ivans is a photographer specializing in family shoots. She has a book on breasfeeding coming out soon called Breastfeeding Goddess. See more adorable photos of Dilan and Farley here. Keep up with Ivens' projects at her websiteFacebook and Instagram.

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