Saturday, August 8, 2015

Brave police officer rescued young skunk with head stuck in yogurt pot

Police officer Merlin Taylor from Rochester in Michigan could have just kept on driving. He could have called in animal welfare workers. He could have procured a hazmat suit or a telescopic tool of some sort to keep him out of harm's way.
Instead, he walked right into the danger zone with a single rubber glove. There would be no gushing, grateful pet owner at the end his uncommonly courageous act. Just the confused stare of a young skunk.
Taylor spotted the frantic skunk on West Third Street in Rochester on Sunday morning. It had its head stuck in a yogurt pot. Exhibiting no initial signs of fear of being sprayed, Taylor walked right up to the animal.

The skunk then began running in circles until the officer snatched the pot off its head and nimbly hopped away from the range of fire. The police department released the video via its Facebook page on Monday, noting that Taylor was lucky it was a young skunk, less likely to have the firepower of an adult.

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