Saturday, August 1, 2015

Editorial Comment

Welcome to the Saturday Expanded Edition of Carolina Naturally.
We have had a few weeks troll free - we still are - and we have had a lot of material submitted so to celebrate we are releasing this expanded weekend issue of this blog.
In blog business news: google has been using cookies and other spyware on our blogs (and all other blogs on blogger as well) and now they have to notify our European readers via a 'warning' bar at the top of the page.
This is a gross violation of  the intention of this and thousands of other blogs who do not monetize (not to mention civil liberty and decency) and blatant espionage on google's part.
They just have to tell our European readers they are spying on them.
They have no legal compulsion to notify our domestic readers - so they will just keep on spying without notice here in the USA.
We want our readers to know we do not use cookies or any spyware on this blog ... it is the hosting ISP using the cookies and spyware.
Our readership has not fallen off due to these shenanigans as of yet (and it may not) - in fact the annual uptick in our readership over the summer has been better than normal thus far, especially the last few troll free days.
Other news finds life treating people we know well and happiness is flourishing.
Have Fun and Be Happy

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