Saturday, August 8, 2015

Men arrested after shooting barramundi in hotel lobby pond with spear gun

A man who allegedly took a spear gun into a luxury hotel and shot a barramundi swimming in a pond in the lobby has been charged.
The 18-year-old and two friends allegedly went to the Hilton Double Tree in Cairns, Queensland, Australia, last Wednesday and shot the meter-long fish. Police say the trio then took the fish to a house where they cleaned and filleted it.
But it's believed they didn't get the chance to eat the fish, which police say had been living in the fresh water pond for years. The shooter allegedly returned the following day and was recognized by hotel staff who called police.
The two other men were located on Thursday afternoon and the trio were each charged with one count of trespass and unlawfully injuring an animal by night. The three are due to appear in the Cairns Magistrates Court on August 21.

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