Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Police warn of evil spirit cleansing scam

Police in Ottawa, Canada, are warning of a scam that may be spreading in which a person, primarily from within the Chinese community, arrives at a resident’s doorstep and offers to drive away evil spirits for a fee.
The scam, which has become known as the “Blessing Scam” or the “Chinese Evil Spirits Scam,” appears to target elderly Chinese women. Fraudsters claim to be doctors, spiritual leaders, or healers and can help cleanse the victims of evil spirits.
The victim is then instructed to bring valuables such as gold, jewellery and cash in a bag, which are then turned over for a “blessing” to drive away the spirits. The bag is taken away and emptied and returned to the victims.

They are told not to open the bags for several days to allow the “spell” to properly take effect. According to police, the scam appears to be well organized. Anyone with information on this to this scam is asked to contact the Ottawa police organized fraud section.

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