Friday, August 21, 2015

Runaway circus elephant visited flea market

An elephant livened up a flea market in the Netherlands on Sunday after escaping from a nearby circus and joining visitors for a browse. Buba the elephant was filmed casually strolling through the market, in the Dutch town of Noordwijkerhout.
Trunk waving, the female elephant walked among the stalls as bewildered shoppers give her a wide berth. She had reportedly escaped from a nearby circus. "My heart did go a bit faster," said Alice de Groot.
Ms de Groot said Buba did not appear frightened by the unfamiliar surroundings. "(When her carer arrived) he called Buba, and the elephant turned around and went like a tame lamb with him," she said.

Circus Freiwald spokesman Gerard Guiking said the 40-year-old playful pachyderm refuses to be fenced in. "She's never fixed and bears no collar. We cannot stop her," he said. "She loves children and super sweet. She really is like a dog who goes sometimes to walk."

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