Thursday, September 10, 2015

Baconfest Was Everything It Was Cracked Up to Be

Did you know last Saturday was International Bacon Day? You would have if you went to the San Diego Baconfest that we previously wrote about. While they didn't feature any of the utterly insane bacon treats we wrote about a few weeks back, there were certainly some that could match them.
Upon entertaining the event, we were greeted by sampling booths by Hormel's Black Label Bacon -the event's biggest sponsor. While their bacon is good (particularly the jalapeno bacon that strangely tastes a bit like beef jerky), it was still the weakest part of the festival -even if you could just get handfuls of plain bacon to munch on. After all, if there's one thing better than bacon, it's bacon with other yumminess.
The festival was a lot bigger than I expected it to be -and a lot more crowded. In fact, it actually sold out the morning before the event. Even with the long lines though, there was still plenty of bacony goodness for all. My friend even figured out that there was something like 40 food and beer vendors.
Of course, even with all those vendors and lines, not everyone could be popular. While there's nothing wrong with the idea of having fresh organic fruits and vegetables delivered to your door, a festival dedicated to greasy, cholesterol-filled meat might not be the best place to advertise it.
One of the first bacon treats we encountered was actually one of our group's favorites from the whole event. The maple bourbon bacon stick was actually a thick slab of pork belly with a maple bacon sauce over it. It was heaven on a stick. Neatorama has more.

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