Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Blind double-jointed woman who slipped out of handcuffs and bit police officer on bottom jailed

A blind double-jointed woman, who escaped from handcuffs and attacked police officers, biting one of them on the backside, has been jailed. Georgina Malcolm had been celebrating her birthday at a party before trouble erupted. She spat on police telling them she had hepatitis C. The officer she bit had to go to hospital for health checks. Depute fiscal Jenny Hamilton told Dunfermline Sheriff Court there had been a fight at the party and police attended. Malcolm “took umbrage” at the way officers were dealing with matters and was placed in handcuffs. “She was placed in a police van with handcuffs but she is double-jointed and so was able to release the cuffs,” said Ms Hamilton. She spat on one of the officers and when he opened the van door she hit his hands with the cuffs, leaving a six-inch scratch which also required hospital treatment because of risk of infection.
When another officer was trying to secure Malcolm’s legs he “felt a pinch on his left buttock and found she had bitten him” added the depute fiscal. “All this time she was claiming she had hepatitis C. The officer had teeth marks requiring hospital treatment.” Malcolm, 47, of Lochgelly in Fife, Scotland, had previously admitted that on 30th September she assaulted PC James Graham to his injury, struck him on the arm with a pair of handcuffs and spat on his face saying she had hepatitis C.
She also admitted assaulting PC Kay Rose by spitting on her and assaulting PC Adrian Harmes to his injury by spitting on his face, biting him on the body and again claiming she had hepatitis C. Defense solicitor Larry Flynn said his client had “lost the plot” after drinking too much at her own birthday party. He added it had been Malcolm who had initially phoned the police after a “fracas” broke out at the party. He said his client was registered blind, having lost the sight in one eye and with the condition of other deteriorating. Sheriff Craig McSherry jailed Malcolm for nine months. She was led from the dock in handcuffs.

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