Saturday, September 12, 2015

Councillor wants pedestrians to give drivers the finger

Norm Kelly, Councillor for the City of Toronto, Canada, is offering advice on road safety by telling pedestrians to give motorists the finger while crossing the road.
But instead of the middle finger, Kelly is encouraging people to extend their arms and point in the direction they want to walk when using crosswalks. “3 per cent of pedestrian injuries and fatalities in Toronto occur at marked crosswalks.
“This is a statistic which could be significantly reduced if pedestrians make the effort to point, pause then proceed,” said Kelly. “Getting the attention of motorists before crossing the street eliminates the possibility of a collision.” Kelly’s words of wisdom come as police departments across the Greater Toronto Area are conducting road safety campaigns this week.
In addition to distracted driving, officers will be paying special attention to motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians who commit offenses in the vicinity of school zones, including offenses related to pedestrian crossovers, crosswalks, intersections and high-risk mid-block crossing.

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