Saturday, September 5, 2015

Customer surprised by rude receipt after buying gazebo

The owners of a store in Christchurch, New Zealand, that gave a woman a profane receipt have apologized to the customer, and say they are following up the incident. Laura Campbell, originally from Dublin, Ireland, had a bit of a surprise when glancing at the receipt after purchasing a gazebo at a Torpedo 7 store on Sunday.
In the comments section it stated: "Freight free to match price her friend got this morning when another staff member fucked up, as per ..." A spokeswoman for the Warehouse group, who own the Torpedo 7 store, said they had apologized to the customer directly. "The commentary and the language used is not in line with our brand values and we are following this up with our team."
Ms Campbell said of the incident: "Basically a staff member in their store waived a delivery fee for my friend [Sunday] morning as it was being delivered to the store." Ms Campbell sought to buy the exact same item, but was told there would be an extra $25 delivery fee on top of the $199 price. "I told him that maybe some consistency might be needed when deciding who to waive delivery fee for," she said.
After a chat with his manager the staff member decided to waive the fee for Ms Campbell too, as well as adding a little flavor to her receipt. "He obviously had to type in a reason and instead of writing store error or something along them lines, he typed in exactly what came out on my receipt. "It's shocking but at the same time hilarious." Ms Campbell spoke to the store manager about it and said they both had a bit of a giggle. "He just didn't believe it either. Just a little training in customer service etiquette is all that's needed!"

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