Friday, September 11, 2015

Editorial Comment

It has been a week since we returned from our "Blogcation" and it has been a good week. The first few days back we spent catching up on all the submitted items that had kept coming in while we played on the river and camped under the stars on our mountain top - it was a lot, but we got through it nicely.

As you may have noticed we have begun to post comments we have received (as we said we might do a few months ago). Our criteria for posting comments is the same as it has always been: 
... no comments that include links of any kind will be posted
... no anonymous comments will be posted
... no screen-name comments will be posted 
(unless the screen-name is the real full name)
... only comments with full names will be posted 
(we might post only a single name on the rare occasion, but don't bet on it
... comments with full names whether they are positive or negative will be posted 
(of course like everybody else we prefer the positive ones)
... comments of a confusing nature, if they are accompanied by a full name, do stand a chance of being posted.
It is amusing how this simple criteria cannot be grasped by some - either lacking in intelligence or confidence they continue to frustrate themselves by ignoring the aforesaid criteria and wondering why their comments never appear.

The farm has done well this summer and the produce was a hit at the local market and now with autumn approaching we will have time to really sort through the artifacts from our archaeological dig this summer.
Our remainder of the year looks to be as busy as it has been all year thus far - whomever said that retirement would bring a slowing down to the pace of your life  didn't have a clue what they were talking about.

Be Happy and Have Fun

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