Friday, September 4, 2015

Jail for latex-masked teenager who attempted to rob jewelers due to exam stress

A teenager who attempted to rob a jewelers wielding an imitation gun due to "exam stress" has been jailed. Benjamin Barton, 18, of Bideford, Devon, was wearing a latex mask and sunglasses when he tried to raid Coopers Jewellery in Barnstaple.
But he "picked the wrong man" and was chased out by the 71-year-old owner. Barton admitted attempted robbery and possessing an imitation firearm and was sentenced to three years and eight months at a youth offenders institute.
The shop owner, David Bruce, who has a black belt in judo, chased him out of the jewelers after hitting him with a baseball bat. He told Barton he had "picked the wrong man" when he stormed into his shop on 28 May.

At Exeter Crown Court, Judge Geoffrey Mercer QC said Mr Bruce would have "feared for his life" because he would not have known it was an imitation gun. Judge Mercer described the offense as "serious, but out of character" and added that Barton was suffering stress because he may not have done well in his A-Levels.

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