Saturday, September 19, 2015

Raccoon rescued after having head stuck in wheel for two days

A raccoon whose head had been stuck in a wheel for two days was rescued in Richibucto, New Brunswick, Canada, on Thursday. Nicole Thebeau of Kent County Animal Rescue was called to free the animal.
"He had been stuck there they said for about two days and he was starting to get weak and he was starting to scream," said Thebeau. "They didn't know what was screaming so they went to have a look. I don't know how or why he got his head in there, but he was really stuck there," she said.
"My heart broke. I hate seeing them like that," Thebeau added. Thebeau had taken corn oil with her and poured it around the raccoon's neck in an effort to let it slip its head out of the tight-fitting rim. "It's almost like he knew we were going to try to help him, so he just let us do what we had to do," she said.

It took Thebeau several minutes and several dousings of corn oil to free the animal. "I was so afraid to hurt him. I didn't want to sprain his neck or anything like that," she said. Once finally freed, the raccoon sauntered off. "He was really in a bad situation there. To see him walk away makes my day," she said. "I think he may have made a lot of friends with all that corn oil on him."

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