Friday, September 18, 2015

Real-life drugs den in the woods dismantled by police

A real-life ‘drugs den’ located in a wooded area in Wales has been destroyed by police.
The structure in the Brackla area of Bridgend, which was camouflaged with branches had a tarpaulin roof and even had what has been described as a ‘dealing table’ carved into the trunk of a fallen tree, was dismantled by officers on Monday, days after it was discovered.
The dense woodland became a focus for the local neighborhood policing team after locals told them about people acting suspiciously near the area. Officers targeted the woods with patrols and came across a den where it is believed cannabis was dealt and sold. As a result of the investigation, two males were arrested for cannabis possession within a week.
Inspector Richard Weber, said: “I’d like to thank the neighborhood team, in particular PCSO Steve Bowen whose determination led to the recent discovery and subsequent arrests. This news has been welcomed by those who helped to raise the alarm and I am in no doubt it will reassure others in the area. It just goes to show how important the community are in tackling local drug problems.”

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