Thursday, September 3, 2015

Suspicious naked man attacked police officer and dog

A police officer and dog called to arrest a naked man at an industrial yard in Christchurch, New Zealand, have been attacked. Police were called to a Hornby industrial yard at about 6am on Sunday, after a member of the public saw a naked man there "acting suspiciously".
A police officer and dog tracked the 20-year-old man nearby, who had by then put clothes on. Upon approach, the man became "extremely violent" and tried to attack the dog and handler, Senior Sergeant Craig Scott said. "He tried to hit the dog, and poke his eyes out and break his legs," Scott said.
"They struggled for quite a long time ... obviously sprays did not work." The offender was bitten a "number of times" by the police dog during the struggle, and eventually arrested. Scott said the police dog had saved the handler from serious injury. The dog was not believed to be injured, but was to the vet for a check-up.
The police officer was also uninjured. The offender's identity is not known, but is suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. "He won't tell us who he is. He's lying on the floor at the moment," Scott said. The man will face a number of charges, and will appear in the Christchurch District Court on Monday morning.

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