Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Trap set for car-damaging creature

Police in to Vinita, Oklahoma, think an animal has caused a lot of damage to a car lot there. Eight cars have been damaged. Something is ripping parts off the vehicles and leaving behind bite marks.
The damage has been done over the course of the week, and owners say it is all being done after hours at Green Country Ford. The evidence it is leaving behind is strange.
“There are paw prints, fine, course hairs mixed in all the mangled parts and what look to be bite marks,” said Fred Griffin, the general sales manager. Griffin and his employees have their own theories of what it could be. These include bigfoot, a wolf and a chupacabra.

Chief Bobby Floyd said he believes their suspect is a white dog that sees the cars as a chew toy. Now, Griffin wants people in the area to stay alert. Police are going to patrol and look for the culprit. A trap was delivered to the lot on Tuesday morning. It is hoped that raw chicken and sardines will lure the creature in.

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