Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Airbus's Brilliant New Way to Cram More Human Bodies inside an Airplane

Aircraft builder Airbus filed a patent for a new seating system for commercial jetliners. The company certainly wasn't done when it previously developed a seating system optimal for galley slaves.
Now Airbus is thinking about ways of using all that valuable vertical space. You know--where your head goes? That's can now be taken up by someone's bottom. That person may have to lie down like a corpse in a coffin, but at least the room around the ceiling of the cabin is being used productively. Reuters reports:
"They are covering themselves for what the future may or may not hold, but ... there is no intention to bring this to a real design for any near-term scenario," said cabin interiors expert Mary Kirby, founder and editor of Runway Girl Network. […]
"The flying bunk bed has a raft of health and safety concerns. The obvious number one is the regulatory requirement for safe evacuation of passengers in 90 seconds," Kirby said.
"It doesn't take into account the elderly or passengers with reduced mobility or children or pregnant women."

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