Sunday, October 11, 2015

Apparently orphaned wild boar piglet adopted by two separate herds of cows

A little wild boar piglet in Lower Saxony, Germany, turned up at a Göttingen farm around two weeks ago, cattle farmer Jochen Kraft said. It was Kraft's son who first spotted the newest addition to their herd, he said.
The apparently orphaned piglet, who the pair have since named Johann, was found cozied up amongst a herd of cows. In a "touching" display, the herd treated Johann like one of their own calves, licking the piglet clean and letting him snuggle up to them.
Johann's story was soon picked up by local media, and curious visitors began turning up at the meadow to see the piglet and his new foster family. But the attention was apparently all too much for Johann. The piglet upped sticks again, wandering to a different meadow a few hundred meters away.
Here, he found a new cattle herd to join – and currently lives among five pregnant cows. Johann's newest family have already accepted him and treat him well, said Kraft. The piglet doesn't struggle to find food either: while his pregnant foster-mothers munch on grass, the boar happily forages for may bug larvae and acorns.

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