Thursday, October 29, 2015

Burglar who forced victim to make him some toast caught when police called stolen phone

Burglar Adrian Thorley forced his terrified victim to make him toast while he stole his belongings. The 35-year-old raised his fist and ordered the man to prepare some breakfast as he helped himself to DVDs and a mobile phone. Thorley had earlier got into the home for vulnerable adults and made himself a snack. But as he was looking for items to steal, he woke up one of the residents who he started to boss around. Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court heard he also threatened to attack another resident. He was caught later that day after the stolen mobile rang in his pocket when a police officer dialed the number and his DNA was found on a can of drink. Now the defendant, of Stoke, is starting a three-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to burglary.
Jailing him, Recorder Martin Hurst said: "You spent a lot of time with the victim, including causing him to make a drink and toast. It may have started off as opportunistic but it would have become clear they were no match which is why you took as long as you did. I accept you did not target these premises but they were occupied by vulnerable people." Prosecutor Peter McCartney said Thorley entered the house in Hanley, at 6am on July 1.
He said: "A resident woke to find the defendant in his doorway with some of his belongings. The defendant had eaten from the kitchen already but asked for further food. The resident was intimidated. Thorley raised his fist to him and threatened to attack another resident." The victim then called a taxi to fetch Thorley. But the defendant was aggressive towards the driver so he was asked to get out. Hamish Noble, mitigating, said: "He understands it was a distressing and unpleasant experience for the resident."

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