Sunday, October 18, 2015

Editorial Comment

It has been a great few weeks - even with the massive amount on rain a few days back - around here.
Our new gal everything Brooke is working out nicely.
She has taken a lot of the job of editing Carolina Naturally over and is doing a wonderful job of it.
Which has left us freer to do other things now that the Mrs., is back to full speed as it were from her health scare of the last decade so she is taking a more active role in working the farm like she did when we first got the place - of course her specialty is the animals and the herb garden so the farm staff take care of the bulk of the farming.
My emeritus status at the university allows me to research and teach as I please and I have begun to teach more classes, there is an encouraging trend just beginning to form among young college students ... a love and desire and desperate need to learn science ... after an entire generation of glorifying the stupid and ignorant the light begins to shine bright again. Of course the stupid and ignorant are fighting the losing battle to retain their status ... one needs only to look at the political circus in the U.S. to recognize that (though only if you are not those of the stupid and ignorant variety).

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