Friday, October 2, 2015

Half-naked 'grumpy old woman' glued bottom to store window to defend migrants and the police

A nearly naked 'grumpy old woman' who glued her bottom to a department store window in Croydon, south London, on Thursday afternoon says she did it to defend "migrants and the police". Kay Bishop, 56, wore just a pubic wig, a flesh-colored bra with nipples on it and a sash emblazoned with 'World's grumpiest old woman 2015' as she protested. The resident of Addiscombe was out to make a point, so she glued herself to the window of Debenhams so police would not move her on.
However, police who attended the scene told her she needn't have bothered and allowed her to continue shouting through her microphone and amp. Kay said: "They said I didn't need to [glue myself] because I wasn't naked so they couldn't do anything. They didn't want to either because they said they agreed with all I was saying." Kay, who grew up in New Addington, was protesting against the treatment of migrants and the police.
She added: "I'm doing it because I don't like the way the world's going, there are some real serious issues going on and no one's doing anything about it. It's not the little stuff, it's the big stuff. We are one planet and we should let everyone go wherever there is land. Everyone, America, Canada, Australia, they should all be taking migrants in. We should as well. No one should have to live in a war-torn country. I also think the way the police are treated at the moment is absolutely disgusting. Today it was about making a point, I am exercising my right to freedom of speech."
Kay, currently unemployed, used to work as a strip-o-gram and said she does not mind showing her body off in public. "I used to dress up as nurses, policewomen, everything so I don't mind," she added. "My outfit isn't offensive, I'm wearing a merkin and a bra with some nipples painted on it – that's not offensive." Kay now plans to spread her message. "I plan to go to other towns and cities to make the same points, I am going to be shouting as much as I can and whenever I feel like it. I've been thinking about this for a while, I was threatening to chain myself to railings for a long time because of the way the police are treated. But I never did and I have just kind of been honing it before I went out and made the protest."

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