Monday, October 12, 2015

Love letter stopped by fastidious beagle

A love letter filled with fresh rose petals will never make it to its destination in New Zealand thanks to a fastidious beagle.
Cleo the Ministry for Primary Industries detector dog sniffed out the ill-fated romantic gesture during one of her shifts at the International Mail Center in Auckland last month.
MPI said the fresh rose petals posed a risk of disease and insects being brought into the country and was intercepted thanks to the detector dog's work. This was one of 26 seizures the young beagle made during September.
She also sniffed out a fresh salad and guacamole in a passenger's bag at Auckland International Airport. "Cleo is only a young dog, but she's really clocking up the finds," MPI said. While the letter did not get past Cleo, the recipient was sent a photo of the romantic gesture instead.

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