Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Man arrested after disturbing neighbors during vodka-fueled search for his missing dog

A Florida man was arrested early on Thursday morning after repeatedly disturbing his neighbors while trying to find his dog, police said.
Ryan Bradley Williams, 39, who reportedly was drinking vodka and cola during the search, was charged with disorderly intoxication.
According to police, Williams called officers late on Wednesday night to ask them to help search for his dog. Officers warned him the call was a misuse of 911 and to stop yelling in the neighborhood while looking for the dog. They also told him to stop drinking.
But officers confronted Williams again at about 1:30am on Thursday at his Umatilla home after receiving reports he was still waking up residents by yelling and knocking on their doors in search of the dog. Police said he had a cup of liquor, slurred speech, trouble maintaining his balance and was extremely intoxicated. Williams was arrested and held in the Lake County jail on a $500 bond.

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