Friday, October 9, 2015

Man avoids jail after dry humping woman who complained that he'd urinated over toilet seat

A man “dry humped” a woman after she complained that he had urinated over the toilet seat, a court heard. Oliver Johns, aged 24, sexually assaulted her when she asked him to clean up. Johns also made an indecent suggestion, Plymouth Crown Court heard.
A judge said it was not necessary to send him to prison because he had apologized to the woman by text. Johns, of Greenbank, Devon, admitted sexual assault on May 15. He also pleaded guilty to causing criminal damage when he punched a door two days later. Kelly Scrivener, for the Crown Prosecution Service, said Johns had used a communal lavatory.
She added the woman had asked him to clean up because he had urinated over the seat. Miss Scrivener said Johns exposed himself, made an indecent suggestion and grabbed the woman’s hand. She added they had fallen to the floor and he had “dry humped” her. The court heard that the offense put Johns in breach of a conditional discharge for possession of cannabis imposed two months before.
Recorder Lawrie cut across the defense barrister to say he would follow a recommendation in the probation report. He told Johns: “You were in drink or under the influence of something. You duly apologized. This could have been dealt with by a significant custodial sentence.” He handed the defendant an 11-month community order with probation’s Rehabilitation Activity Requirement. He must also pay £900 criminal court charge and £60 victim surcharge.

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