Monday, October 19, 2015

Man banned from pub because he wouldn't stop talking about flying saucers

A man was banned from a pub after irritating customers with his talk of flying saucers, a court heard. But when Malcolm Smithson, 30, returned to speak to the landlord of The Boltmakers Arms in Keighley, West Yorkshire, he was accused of going into the ladies toilets and began shouting and swearing.
Smithson, of Keighley, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly in a public place on September 15 when he appeared before Bradford Magistrates’ Court last week. Prosecutor Tariq Bostan told the court that Smithson was spotted by an off-duty policeman at 7.45pm outside The Boltmakers Arms, being ejected by the landlord and another male. “He was shouting and swearing,” said Mr Bostan.
“He was waving his arms around and was told to calm down, and again advised to go home. He then told the officer to’ f*ck off’ and tried to get to the landlord and the other male again.” Smithson was eventually restrained to the ground, the court heard. Representing himself, Smithson apologized to the bench for his behavior that evening. He explained: “The landlord and other customers wanted to get rid of me because I was talking about UFOs,” said Smithson.
“Basically, they didn’t like it and they accused me of going into the women’s toilets, which was not true. I was drunk and I did use threatening words and abusive words, but I was trying to get at the fact of what I was being accused of being potentially damaging to me and untrue, and I wanted a proper answer,” he told the court. “I apologize for using abusive language.” Smithson was sentenced to a conditional discharge for six months. He must also pay £150 criminal court charge, £85 prosecution costs and a £15 surcharge.

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