Sunday, October 11, 2015

Man drove into sea in attempt to escape police

A man being chased by police has driven a four-wheel drive into the sea north of Perth, Australia, in an unusual attempt to escape.
Police in four-wheel drives had been following the man for nearly two hours as he drove through sand dunes. It is thought police spotted him earlier because he was driving erratically. The vehicle is thought to have been stolen.
A police plane circled overhead as the drama unfolded on the beach. The man drove into the sea near Two Rocks as a police four-wheel-drive tried to intercept him. Officers watched from the beach as the man clambered from his vehicle as it was swamped by waves.
The two officers went in the surf to apprehend him. The officers battled heavy waves to grab the man and pull him from the surf. At one point the man climbed on to the bonnet of his vehicle, but struggled to stay on as waves washed over him. The vehicle was quickly submerged.
There are videos showing the man driving into the sea here and here.

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