Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Man wearing stolen chef’s apron demanded to be let into police station before removing pants

A 25-year-old man wearing an allegedly stolen chef’s apron demanded to be let into the Springfield Police Station in Oregon early on Wednesday morning, only to take off his pants once inside, according to police.
Travis Jeffrey Hodges of Springfield arrived at the station just after 3am, pulling at the locked doors and slamming a public phone before officers arrived to see what was going on, police said.
Meanwhile, police responded to an alarm at the Sprout! Regional Food Hub, located across the street from the police station. The nonprofit group’s glass door was shattered, and police said several similar chef’s aprons were inside.
Police believe Hodges broke into the Sprout! facility, stole the apron and then walked directly to the police station. He was found pantless but still wearing the apron. He was arrested on charges of third-degree theft, second-degree criminal trespass and third-degree criminal mischief. He was taken to the Springfield Municipal Jail. Hodges allegedly admitted to using methamphetamine, police said.

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