Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Man who called 911 saying he was 'too high' after smoking weed found surrounded by snacks

A 22-year-old Ohio man called 911 last Friday evening and told officers he was "too high" after smoking marijuana.
When officers arrived at the man's home, his grandfather directed them upstairs where they found the man moaning, curled in the fetal position, and "surrounded by a plethora of Doritos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish, and Chips Ahoy cookies."
In the audio of the 911 call, the operator asks the man what he took, he eventually responds with saying it was weed. The man told police he "smoked too much weed" and couldn't feel his hands.
He directed officers to his car, where they found a glass pipe with marijuana residue, rolling papers and a glass jar of pot. So far, no arrests have been made.

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