Sunday, November 8, 2015

Baby Bites Venomous Snake, Killing It

Jaine Ferreira Figueira of Mostardas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil allowed her 17-month old son, Lorenzo, in her garden. She found him with a dead snake in his mouth. She rushed him to the hospital to receive treatment for a bite from the venomous jararaca snake, a species of pit viper.
But he hadn't been bitten. On the contrary, Lorenzo had likely gone on the offensive, grabbed the snake, then bitten it in the head. The International Business Times reports:
The child was taken to a local hospital, along with the snake in a jar so that he could receive the proper anti-venom, where the doctor informed the parents that it was probably Lorenzo who had killed the snake. "He bit the young jararaca close to its head, which immobilized it and prevented it from biting him," the doctor added. "The boy was very shaken up — I think it was a self-defense instinct that kicked in, or he thought it was a toy."

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