Friday, November 13, 2015

Couple from Wales banned from London after shopping center sex act in front of their children

A pregnant woman who performed a sex act on her husband in a busy shopping center, as their two young children watched on, has been banned from London. Akeela Ali, 25, was filmed carrying out the act on her husband Fahad Bilal, 26, as their children aged three and five, ran around playing in Westfield shopping center in Shepherd's Bush, London. Ali and Bilal, both of Newport, south Wales, admitted outraging public decency on 23 July. The couple said they 'thought about stopping' when their children interrupted, but carried on, explaining later: 'It just happened'. CCTV footage captured Ali and Bilal on a sofa in front of the shopping mall lifts The family had traveled from Newport for a day of shopping. At Hammersmith magistrates court on Thursday they were banned from London for eight weeks after pleading guilty to outraging public decency.
Prosecutor Arlene De Silva said: "On the 23 July this year Miss Ali was at the Westfield shopping center along with her husband and also with their two children aged three and five. Just after 8pm they were sitting on a sofa in the lift lobby lounge area on the first floor facing three elevators. Mrs Ali sat beside her husband and was clearly engaging in oral sex. This went on for around 10 minutes. They were interrupted several times by the children. The incident was captured on CCTV. When she was interviewed on 22 October she said she had gone shopping with her children. She said she was pregnant and as a result her hormones were everywhere. She said they started kissing as their kids were running around playing. She said 'it just happened'.
"When their children interrupted she felt what they were doing was wrong but they carried on. She was aware that one of the children was sitting beside Mr Bilal for some time during the incident. She said she regretted the incident and was ashamed. Mr Bilal said it was a human mistake. It was not that busy at the time but he knew it was a public area." The couple, who represented themselves, had to be sentenced separately. District Judge Elizabeth Roscoe asked Ali what she wanted to say about the incident as she stood in the dock. Ali replied: "I'm just quite ashamed of what I did, I'm not happy with what happened. At the time I didn't realize what I was doing, I was pregnant. We were sitting together, we were tired and it just happened." Mrs Roscoe said: "You understand the seriousness of this is because you are in public, your children are there, other people's children are there.
"Fortunately I have been told no one in particular has seen it, but you are the adult and you should know better." Mrs Roscoe asked Bilal what he had to say about the incident. He said: "It was a big mistake and it was shameful." The judge said: "Mr Bilal, this was a public place with children around, your children, and you are the adult, you should know better. Fortunately it doesn't sound as though anyone has seen it. Mr Bilal I'm going to exclude you from coming within the M25 for eight weeks, except for the 11 and 12 of November, to attend your immigration hearing. If you breach that you will be arrested and brought back to court. She added: "Miss Ali I'm going to deal with you in the same way as your husband, you will have an exclusion order on the area within the M25 for eight weeks." The couple must each pay a £60 victim surcharge, and a £180 court charge.

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