Monday, November 9, 2015

Goliath the Calf Thinks He's a Great Dane, Like His Buddy

Goliath, a calf rescued from a dairy farm by his human Shaylee Hubbs, may think he's a dog, like his housemate Leonidas. Goliath was sickly from birth, and Hubbs saved the calf's life by bringing him home and nursing him to his current healthy state.
Leonidas, the Hubbs family dog, is a Great Dane who took to Goliath immediately. He would often lick the calf in the face and nudge him when he was sick in an attempt to get him to stand. Hubbs told Country Living magazine,
"He would lay down with the sick little cow for hours just to keep him company. The Great Dane and [Goliath] became the best of friends.​"
Hubbs didn't realize the extent of Goliath's comfort with his new surrounds until one morning when she went to the barn to feed her other animals. Upon returning from the barn, she couldn't find Goliath. Hubbs said she was panicked until,
"We found, lounging ever so comfortably on our couch, Goliath! This was triumph and victory, a nice comfortable place on the couch!​"
Way to assimilate, little guy!
As it should be for all lovable dog/calf hybrids, Goliath can be followed on social media via Twitter

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