Friday, November 6, 2015

Investigation launched after inflatable sex dolls were spotted hanging in Council's headquarters

Inflatable sex dolls hanging in the windows of Cambridge City Council's headquarters have triggered a review by venue bosses. Cambridge Guildhall is usually the scene of elected officials deciding on planning applications, mayoral ceremonies or politicians thrashing out the latest budget for Cambridge City Council, and was once home to the law courts and a jail.
But on Friday evening, the sight of a string of 'naked' inflatable dolls hanging from the ceiling of a room in the imposing headquarters overlooking market square could be clearly seen by a startled public walking past the hallowed building on Halloween. A mother-of-two, who asked not to be named, was pleased her young daughter did not look up and see the hanging dolls as they walked past the Guildhall on a family night out.
She said: "I was walking towards the Corn Exchange with my family when I spotted what appeared to be blow-up dolls in the upper windows of the Guildhall. They were clearly naked, and I'm just glad my six-year-old didn't spot them and ask what they were. It's not really the sort of thing you expect to see in a council building." Liz Fraser spotted the dolls and tweeted a photo of them on Twitter. A party was being held at the venue by Cambridge University's Architectural Society.
Cambridge Live, a new charity trust launched on April 1 this year, is now managing the city council's Guildhall conference and event management, including weddings. The trust has now launched a full review of the event, including the blow-up dolls being visible to passers-by. A spokesman said: "Cambridge Live is responsible for the hiring out of the physical spaces in the Guildhall with the content of the evening in question organised by the University Architecture Society, including the arranging of security. We will be doing a full review with the organisers to understand and pick up any issues about the evening, including the positioning of items visible from outside the building".

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