Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jail for man who squirted children with semen-loaded water pistol

A man from Albuquerque, New Mexico, accused of spraying children in the mouth and eyes with semen with a water pistol changed his plea from ‘not guilty’ to ‘no contest’ in court on Friday afternoon. He was then sentenced to 18 years in prison. According to the victims, then 35-year-old Kevin Jaramillo told them he was making a video for his church in August 2013 and early 2014, trying to raise money to save puppies, when he squirted them with a strange substance.
Samples taken from two of the victims later confirmed that the substance was in fact semen. He was accused of squirting seven children and an 18-year-old woman. On Friday, before Judge Stan Whitaker, Jaramillo plead no contest to six counts of child abuse, one count of battery, two counts of criminal sexual contact of a minor under 13 and one count of sexual exploitation of a child. This was a plea deal. The fathers of two young female victims spoke before the court after he entered his plea.
“I wanted her to have good memories of her childhood, now she has to remember this,” one man said. “He’s tooken [sic] away her sense of security, she still hasn’t gone outside to play since that day,” the other dad said. Jaramillo then spoke before the court. He apologized for what he did. “I thought about everything, I realized that I needed to take responsibility for certain actions,” he said. “Also, I did, myself, consider these individuals having to go to trial and testify, and I didn’t think that was fair.”

Jaramillo spoke for about 15 minutes. He was eventually stopped during his statement by Judge Whitaker after making comments the judge deemed to be off track. After the statements ended, he was sentenced to 18 years with up to 20 years probation when he gets out. When he is released he will have to register as a sex offender. Jaramillo was arrested on unrelated molestation charges back in 2014. His plea to the two counts of criminal sexual contact of a minor under 13 stems from this incident.

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