Sunday, November 1, 2015

Man Saves Baby Deer, Deer Doesn't Want To Leave Man's Side

People usually don't expect to receive a reward when they save an animal's life because it's reward enough to know the animal is alive and well thanks to a little human help.

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An outdoorsman named Darius noticed a newborn deer with a hitch in its giddy-up thanks to an injured front leg, and when the deer's mama ditched it Darius took it in and helped set its leg straight.
After some rehabilitation and tender loving care from Darius, and his lovable Bernese Mack, the little deer's leg was as good as new, and the deer couldn't thank Darius enough.
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But, after a few months with its foster family, the little deer spotted her mother and rejoined her forest dwelling family, leaving Darius with a deer shaped hole in his heart.

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