Saturday, November 14, 2015

Police seek twerking woman and her tactile accomplice accused of sexually abusing man

Police have asked for help identifying two women accused of sexually abusing a man at around 4pm on Oct. 7. in a Washington, D.C. convenience store.
The video posted by police captures an interaction on surveillance camera that shows the two women invading the space of a man. It appears the man didn’t know the women. He can be seen on camera with money in his hand, talking on the phone.
The first woman backs up on him and starts grinding and he quickly moves away from her, but another woman slides up and appears to grab at the man’s crotch several times, moving towards his money and phone. He keeps moving away from both women. The woman in red also puts her arm around him and he steps forward to try and shake her off.

Both face third-degree sexual abuse charges. The charge includes inappropriate touching and according to state code “involves actual force, threats putting the person in fear of death, bodily injury or kidnapping, or rendering the person.” The penalty for someone convicted of third-degree sexual abuse is a maximum fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years imprisonment.

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