Sunday, November 1, 2015

School bans high heels over earthquake fears

A secondary school in Italy's Abruzzo region has banned high heels and platform shoes because of the area's high seismic risk.
“The directive is not the fruit of some overly puritanical imagination, but comes down to the need to educate students about safety, especially in an area of high seismic activity,” said Anna Amanzi, headmistress of L'Instituto Technico Industriale.
However, not everybody is convinced about the new measures which will see all heels over four centimeters in height outlawed at the school in L'Aquila province. Teachers said they disagreed with the decision but would follow reluctantly follow new guidelines. “They should think about more serious issues,” said one student.
“Like how to heat the school properly.” In spite of the new prescriptive rules on footwear not going down well with students and staff, the earthquake risk in the area is very real. The region of L'Aquila still bears the scars of a series of quakes that struck in 2009, killing 286 people across the province. In 1915, a massive earthquake devastated the town of Avezzano killing 30,000 people.

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