Sunday, November 1, 2015

'Thrusting dancer' who gave woman nightmares must now pay her compensation

A clubber must pay £500 compensation to a woman for making "thrusting moves" against her on a dance floor. She suffered sleepless nights, nightmares and kept "seeing the face of the man who did this," Nottingham Magistrates' Court heard on Tuesday.
The incident left her nervous about being alone with men and had led her to take anti-depressants, she said in a statement. Joshua Anderson, 20, of Gedling, Nottingham, denied the sexual touching of a woman in Rock City, Nottingham, on April 4.
He was found guilty after a trial. He was given a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for a year, with £700 costs and an £80 surcharge. Anderson, who works as a lift engineer, was also put on the Sex Offenders' Register for seven years.
District Judge Leo Pyle told Anderson: "It has had an effect on her and these are matters I can't overlook." Christine Luckock, defending, said: "He doesn't accept his guilt and wants to appeal against conviction." Daniel Paulson, prosecuting, said Anderson came up behind the woman on the dance floor and started "thrusting moves" against her.

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