Saturday, December 19, 2015

12-year-old girl charged after being stopped for speeding

A 12-year-old girl has been caught driving at 122 kilometers an hour (75mph) in the north of Tasmania, Australia, police have alleged. Officers said the girl was intercepted at Perth on Saturday night with two passengers aged 21 and 16. Sergeant Phil Summers, of Deloraine Police, said the incident could have ended in tragedy. "Why a 12-year-old is driving, one can only guess, but it's just terrible," he said. "Not only could she kill herself and everyone else in the car but other road users.
"We are, I suppose, outraged really that people would let a child in the car." The girl has been charged and granted bail for false name and driving offenses, police said. "That vehicle was intercepted and the driver gave some details that didn't seem right to the police officer," Sergeant Summers said.
"When [the officer] intercepted the vehicle she gave details that indicated she was 16, he then took her to town and found out she was in fact 12. This is a terrible example of a flagrant disregard for safety not only of the driver, but all other road users."

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