Sunday, December 6, 2015

Clown sightings cause concern at University

There's alarm around Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin, over recent sightings of a man dressed up as a clown walking around the campus, even peering into buildings. Students and neighbors said they've been told not to worry, but many would like the police to get involved.
“Oh yeah, you notice it. Wearing a bright orange jumpsuit and a clown mask, it's definitely something noticeable,” witness Ashley Plante said. Becca Roraff's boyfriend snapped a picture. “When I first saw it, I was kind of creeped out because it was just a random person on the street with a scary mask. I don't like clowns,” Roraff said. “He was apparently on campus a couple of days ago. That's kind of frightening,” witness Katie Green said.
Carroll students Green and Michelle Mueller said they saw him a few days ago after he had changed outfits from a clown a more Joker-like appearance. “It was just staring at us as we were driving by. It was just weird,” Mueller said. When the clown was spotted outside a women's dorm over the weekend, consternation intensified with rumors flying that he's a convicted sex offender. But Waukesha police said they know who he is.

He's a teenage boy. Waukesha police say the boy is "developmentally delayed and is just doing this to see people's reaction. Both he and his parents were advised several times it would really help us out if he wouldn't stand out there doing that." Waukesha police said the teen hasn't committed any crimes that they're aware of, but say they've received numerous complaints and even calls to 911. They said they're continuing to monitor the situation.

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