Thursday, December 10, 2015

Elderly man arrested after trying to snort cocaine in front of police officer during traffic stop

A 73-year-old man’s spotless driving record nearly got him off the hook during a traffic stop in Seattle on Tuesday night, until he tried to snort cocaine right in front of an incredulous officer.
Officer Nic Abts-Olsen was patrolling at around 8:30pm when a man in a silver Toyota drove past him with his headlights off. After pulling over the motorist, Officer Abts-Olsen checked his licence and registration, and walked back to the Toyota, where he saw the driver portioning out a scoop of cocaine from a small glass vial.
When officer Abts-Olsen knocked on the driver’s car window, he apparently startled the man, leading him to spill cocaine all over his hands and the floor of his vehicle. “Are you kidding?,” Officer Abts-Olsen asked the man, who quickly tried to brush away the white powder. The man initially denied having any cocaine, though he admitted he had “vitamins” in his possession.

Finally, the man relented, complimented Officer Abts-Olsen on his keen detection skills and admitted that snorting cocaine in the middle of a traffic stop was, perhaps, a poor decision. Officer Abts-Olsen also informed the man he had only intended to issue him a warning, due to his clean driving record, until the cocaine came out. Officers did not immediately cite the man, but arrested and booked him into the King County Jail for narcotics possession.

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