Monday, December 14, 2015

Man hid in restaurant at closing time before spending the night feasting like a king

A 38-year-old man hid in a restaurant at closing time on Sunday evening before spending the night gorging himself. He apparently hid in the bathroom as the staff locked up. Once alone in the unidentified eatery, in Prague in the Czech Republic, the alleged villain “feasted royally,” police say. He rifled through the bar and the employees lockers for small change, and packed up a coffee pot and some clothing including chef’s pants and T-shirts. The alleged thief also packed up some beer and a strawberry cake to take with him. But it was with eating food he excelled, according to police.
“We can say that he feasted like a king,” police spokesman Tomáš Hulan said. The man chomped into six baked geese, weighing about five kilograms each, three ducks, a four liter jar of pickles, six kilograms of goose fat and liver, poppy seeds and butter. He also had several bottles of wine and other beverages.
Police say that he did not finish everything, however. But the partially eaten food could no longer be sold to the public. Apparently he hoped to sneak out in the morning but was not so lucky. When the cleaning lady arrived at 9am she called the police and the freelance gourmand was caught. He caused some Kč 20,000 (£550, $800) in damage and faces up to two years in prison.

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