Friday, December 25, 2015

Nachos with cheese and jalapeno peppers left on vandalized car provided hot clue for police

A police officer in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, used surveillance video and nachos with cheese and jalapeno peppers to track down and arrest a vandalism suspect, officials said.
Officer Adam Szymanski was on routine patrol early on Friday when he was flagged down by a man reporting that his car had been vandalized sometime during the night, police said. All four tires of the man’s 2005 Ford Focus had been slashed and deflated, police said. The passenger side seat also had been slashed from the inside and police reported the roof of the car had been smeared with nacho cheese and jalapeno peppers.
As part of the investigation, Szymanski visited a nearby convenience store down the street, where he found nachos with cheese and peppers similar to those on the roof of the car on sale. Szymanski reviewed surveillance video of the store, which showed the suspect, Robert 
Debusk, 24, of Sturbridge buying the nachos just after 1am on Friday, 
police said.
An interview with the vandalized car’s owner revealed he and Debusk had been sending text messages back and forth the night before and into the early morning hours of Friday, police said. Dubusk had also tried to go into the victim’s house, police said. Police arrested Debusk and charged him with breaking and entering into a vehicle in the nighttime for a felony, malicious damage to a motor vehicle, and 
injury defacement or destruction of real property. Debusk is expected to be 
arraigned at Dudley District Court on Monday.

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