Friday, December 18, 2015

Naked man attempted to go swimming in hotel pool with stolen chicken

Police in Bavaria, Germany, received a strange call on Tuesday afternoon after a 19-year-old man stole a chicken and plunged naked with it into a hotel swimming pool. A hotel manager in the town of Bodenmais alerted police at around 4.30pm. Someone had just jumped naked into the outdoor swimming pool with a chicken in his arms. "The man wasn't in the pool for long," a spokesperson for Lower Bavaria police said. "The hotel manager saw him as soon as he jumped in." But the outdoor pool was covered, they said. "He broke the cover when he jumped in," the spokesperson said. The 19-year-old was an asylum seeker from Mali, police reported.
After jumping, the naked would-be swimmer clambered out and began to run down the road towards a local glazier, before being stopped by patrol officers. The man violently resisted arrest, police said, but officers were able to overpower him and escort him back to his accommodation. After his arrest, the chicken was found unharmed by the roadside.
Police identified and alerted the owner, who came to pick the bird up and return it to its pen. As well as the chicken, the man was also carrying a whiskey bottle when he jumped into the pool, the police spokesperson said. An investigation is currently under way, with the man facing accusations of theft, criminal damage, trespass and resisting a police officer. The damage to the swimming pool cover could amount to a four-figure sum.

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