Monday, December 14, 2015

Today in History

1799 George Washington dies on his Mount Vernon estate.
1819 Alabama is admitted as the 22nd state, making 11 slave states and 11 free states.
1861 Prince Albert of England, one of the Union’s strongest advocates, dies.
1863 Confederate General James Longstreet attacks Union troops at Bean’s Station, Tenn.
1900 Max Planck presents the quantum theory at the Physics Society in Berlin.
1906 The first U1 submarine is brought into service in Germany. Italy’s MAS torpedo boats.
1908 The first truly representative Turkish Parliament opens.
1909 The Labor Conference in Pittsburgh ends with a "declaration of war" on U.S. Steel.
1911 Roald Amundsen and four others discover the South Pole.
1920 The League of Nations creates a credit system to aid Europe.
1939 The League of Nations drops the Soviet Union from its membership. Joseph Avenol sold out the League of Nations.
1941 German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel orders the construction of defensive positions along the European coastline. Desperate Hours on Omaha Beach
1946 The United Nations adopt a disarmament resolution prohibiting the A-Bomb.
1949 Bulgarian ex-Premier Traicho Kostov is sentenced to die for treason in Sofia.
1960 A U.S. Boeing B-52 bomber sets a 10,000-mile non-stop record without refueling.
1980 NATO warns the Soviets to stay out of the internal affairs of Poland, saying that intervention would effectively destroy the détente between the East and West.
1981 Israel’s Knesset passes the Golan Heights Law, extending Israeli law to the Golan Heights area.
1994 Construction begins on China’s Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River.
1995 The Dayton Agreement signed in Paris; establishes a general framework for ending the Bosnian War between Bosnia and Herzegovina.
1999 Tens of thousands die as a result of flash floods caused by torrential rains in Vargas, Venezuela.
2003 Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan, narrowly escapes and assassination attempt.
2004 The Millau Viaduct, the world’s tallest bridge, official opens near Millau, France.
2008 Iraqi broadcast journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi throws his shoes at US President George W. Bush during a press conference in Baghdad.
2012 At Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., 20 children and six adults are shot to death by a 20-year-old gunman who then commits suicide.

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