by Frank Jordans
Scientists say they have found rare evidence of
a prehistoric massacre in Europe after discovering a 7,000-year-old
mass grave with skeletal remains from some of the continent's first
farmers bearing terrible wounds.
Archaeologists who painstakingly examined the bones
of some 26 men, women and children buried in the Stone Age grave site
at Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten, near Frankfurt, say they found blunt force
marks to the head, arrow wounds and deliberate efforts to smash at least
half of the victims' shins — either to stop them from running away or
as a grim message to survivors.
"It was either torture or
mutilation. We can't say for sure whether the victims were still alive,"
said Christian Meyer, one of the authors of the study published Monday
in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
said the findings from Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten bolster theories put
forward after the earlier discovery of two other grave sites in Germany
and Austria. At all three sites, the victims and the perpetrators
appeared to have been from the Linearbandkeramik — or LBK — culture, a
farming people who arrived in central Europe about 5,500 B.C. Their name
derives from the German phrase for "linear band ceramics," a reference
to the style of their pottery.
the sites have all been dated toward the end of the LBK's 600-year
presence, suggesting that members of this culture — which is thought to
have developed in what is now Hungary and spread along the Danube River —
may have turned on each other.
"It's about finding patterns. One
mass grave was spectacular, but it was just a single grave. But when
several such sites are found from the same period, then a pattern
emerges," said Meyer.

In their article, the authors suggested that "the new evidence
... in conjunction with previous results, indicates that massacres of
entire communities were not isolated occurrences but rather were
frequent features of the last phases of the LBK."
Chris Scarre, an
archaeologist at the University of Durham, England, who wasn't involved
in the study, said its conclusions seemed well supported by the
"What is
particularly interesting is the level of violence. Not just the
suppression of a rival community — if that is what it was — but the
egregious and systematic breaking of the lower legs," said Scarre. "It
suggests the use of terror tactics as part of this inter-community
Meyer, an
anthropologist at the University of Mainz, Germany, said nobody can say
for sure what prompted the killings so long after the fact. But it's
possible to put forward theories, based on what's known about the LBK
culture and the conditions they faced. For example, the end of LBK
culture coincided with a period of climate change.
LBK population had expanded considerably, and this increases the
potential for conflict," said Meyer. "Also, the LBK were farmers, they
settled. So unlike hunter gatherers, who could move away to avoid
conflict, these people couldn't just escape. Add to this the fact that
there may have been a period of drought that constrained resources,
causing conflicts to erupt."
said the theory of conflict between different groups within the LBK is
supported by the existence of an apparent ancient border near the
Schoeneck-Kilianstaedten site. Archaeologists have found that flint was
traded on either side of the divide but not necessarily across it —
suggesting the two groups did not see each other as kin, he said.
The attackers, however, spared some members of the group, with victims skewed toward young children, adult men and older women.
"It's likely that the young women, who are missing in the grave, were kidnapped by the attackers," said Meyer.